
Amazon AWS Transcribe used to get 2020 presidential debate #1 speaker segments

TLDR: I used Amazon Transcribe to transcribe the first presidential debate audio that included timestamps for each word, to create the following speaker timeline visualization (created using a Plotly timeline chart). Click image to view full size visualization. After watching the US 2020 Presidential Debate #1  I was curious to see if there was an […]

Amazon AWS Transcribe used to get 2020 presidential debate #1 speaker segments Read More »

Periodic chart elements by origin from SVG using Python

This cool periodic chart of the elements shows source / origin of the chemical elements. Source: Wikipedia created by Cmglee It was really interesting to learn that elements may be created from more than one source/origin which are listed below: Big Bang fusion Exploding white dwarfs Exploding massive stars Cosmic ray fission Merging neutron stars

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Plotly Express Python remove legend title 4.5, Plotly Express no longer puts the = in trace names, because legends support titles (source). Prior to 4.5, I had used this ‘hover_data’ trick to remove the ‘=’ from the legend trace names. hover_data=[‘gain_loss’]).for_each_trace(lambda t: t.update(“=”)[0]) However now with 4.5, I want to remove the legend title. The new trick to

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