
Heat maps of Canadian activity changes due to COVID-19 using Google Community Mobility Reports

During the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in Canada I wanted to get better understanding of the geographical distribution of COVID-19 related activity changes across Canada. Google has helpfully provided freely available global “Community Mobility Reporting” which shows Google location history change compared to baseline by country, and country sub-regions. These provide changes in activity by location […]

Heat maps of Canadian activity changes due to COVID-19 using Google Community Mobility Reports Read More »

Choropleth map of Canada COVID-19 cases by health region using Leaflet and D3.js

During the early days of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in Canada, I wanted to get better understanding of the geographical distribution of COVID-19 cases across Canada. At the time, government or news agencies were only mapping case counts by province. However Canadian provinces are so big compared to population centers that it doesn’t accurately reflect

Choropleth map of Canada COVID-19 cases by health region using Leaflet and D3.js Read More »

Leaflet.js choropleth map color by count using geoJSON datasource

I have a Django web application that needed an interactive map with shapes corresponding to Canadian postal code FSA areas that were different colors based on how many properties were in each FSA. It ended up looking something like the screenshot below. This exercise turned out to be relatively easy using the awesome open-source Javascript

Leaflet.js choropleth map color by count using geoJSON datasource Read More »

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