Web Development

Django form geocode submitted address to get lat, lon and postal code

One of my Django applications includes a form where user can enter and submit a property address. The user submitting the form might not know the postal code so I left it optional. However the postal code is a key piece of information for this particular application so I wanted to ensure that I was getting it.

Django form geocode submitted address to get lat, lon and postal code Read More »

Leaflet.js choropleth map color by count using geoJSON datasource

I have a Django web application that needed an interactive map with shapes corresponding to Canadian postal code FSA areas that were different colors based on how many properties were in each FSA. It ended up looking something like the screenshot below. This exercise turned out to be relatively easy using the awesome open-source Javascript

Leaflet.js choropleth map color by count using geoJSON datasource Read More »

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